Lunch, Nap, Vodka

Lunch, Nap, Vodka. These three words can be the answer to many questions posed to college students: What are your plans for the weekend? What are your hobbies? How do you spend your time? What activities are included in your perfect (sometimes typical) day? What are three words you would use to describe yourself? How would your friends describe you?

Quite possibly the three most important words to a college student. When all three occur in the same day, that is the day against all other days are measured for perfection in collegiate life. Lunch, Nap, Vodka is without a doubt the perfect combination of activities for a great day. A problem, however, occurs when “Lunch, Nap, Vodka” is your plan for everyday.

I have known far too many students who have had a Lunch, Nap, Vodka day and become addicted. While it is important to be able to relax and unwind every once in a while, you need to keep yourself busy enough to have a reason to de-stress.

The days of Lunch, Nap, Vodka are infinitely more rewarding when you know you have done something to deserve it!

The message I want to leave you with here is something like the old adage of “work before play.” Collegiate life can leave you with much more time than you know what to do with. My advice is to finish your work before you hit the bars or hit the snooze button. I know, that sounds like something your parents told you when you were younger: “You have to clean your room and do your homework before you can go to the movies with friends.”   The difference now is that you are not living under your parents’ roof, and you no longer need to follow their rules. You have an entirely new set of rules for how you live your life. Who makes the rules now? You do!

I suggest you take that responsibility seriously and make some rules for yourself, or at the very least some guidelines. I can remember my first Lunch, Nap, Vodka day – it was glorious! Wake up too late for breakfast or even brunch, eat something delicious, take a nap so you can rest up for the evening ahead, then go out and have a good time (any memory of those “good times” is optional). You wake up the next day and all you want to do is repeat the cycle.

College students who repeat the Lunch, Nap, Vodka cycle regularly, or even every day (and you all know someone who does), will not be as successful in the “Real World” as students who learn to abide by discipline and moderation early on. 

It’s a pretty simple and proven philosophy; now, all you need to do is decide whether you subscribe to it or not. What is your ruling on Lunch, Nap, Vodka days?

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3 thoughts on “Lunch, Nap, Vodka

  1. […] day if you don’t get up and get out there. That’s not to say you don’t need a Lunch, Nap, Vodka day every once in a while, but most days you may need to give yourself a little extra motivation to […]

  2. […] if you don’t get up and get out there. That’s not to say you don’t need a “Lunch, Nap, Vodka“ day every now and then, but most days, you may need to give yourself a little extra […]

  3. […] if you don’t get up and get out there. That’s not to say you don’t need a “Lunch, Nap, Vodka“ day every now and then, but most days, you may need to give yourself a little extra […]

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